Favorite trailing perennial with rhizomes forming dense mats, at the time of flowering completely covered the flowers, and it is one of the more heavily prošlechtěných species of North American aster – asters. This species has long been found in our gardens to their stable place.
As mentioned in the article about Aster Virginia in the previous edition, the inclusion of varieties, there are some discrepancies. Thanks to the inclusion of different varieties in continental Europe and the UK (where varieties And. dumosus (I) And. new-belgii presented as two groups of height And. new-belgii) You can find the same variety integrating different (many varieties important are hybrids of the two species mentioned).
Range and Breeding
The number of varieties throughout a long history of breeding exceeded several hundred. Varieties differ in color (white, shades of pink, purple, blue to purple), the size and fullness of flowers, richness of flowering and, ultimately, height and flowering date. Compared with And. new-belgii the plants are richly branched, some have cushioned character growth.
Also in breeding And. dumosus They play from the beginning prim British and German breeders. The beginnings of crossing the low autumn aster fall into 19. century. And the English name šlechitele. H. Harrison with Gayborder Nurseries ('Audrey', 'Jenny') It is already known from previous post, as well as the name of Ernest Ballard ('Rosebud, 'Snowsprite'). By breeding And. dumosus However, most of the credit belongs to Victor Vokes, Who first low hybrids bred already in 1925. Of the numerous “collection” odrůd jmenujme alespoň 'Blue Bouquet', 'Countess of Dudley', 'Diana', 'Marjorie', 'Ronald', 'Victor'. Most of them, however, rarely encountered today, They were overcome powerful varieties.
From the German breeders in the development of the range involved mainly Heinz Klose. K nejznámějším z jeho odrůd patří například 'Kassel' (half-full, live crimson red, 35-40 cm), 'Heinz Richard' (dark pink, 30 cm), 'Mittelmeer' (azure, 30 cm) and more. Z Foersterovy dílny pochází 'Silberball' (date range – cool white, easy, 45-60 cm), dále 'Rosenelf', 'Rosenkissen', 'Schneezicklein', 'Silberblaukissen'. Renowned contemporary breeder is also at low aster Peter zur Linden ('Rosenwichtel' – Pink richly blooming, 15-20 cm, 'Zwergenhimmel' – Semidouble light blue, richly flowering, 30 cm).
Representation in the range also have a Czech variety, some of them have established themselves abroad. Nejpopulárnější je 'Apollo' (původní označení 'Lednice II') breeder Frimmela. Plants are high 40-50 cm, Simple flowers are cool white color, occasionally with a slight hint of lilac. Až do nástupu odrůdy 'Kristina' bylo 'Apollo' white “standard” in global range. Known are also low, only about 10 cm high, varieties of horticulture Vejtasa, intended as a rockery – světloučce modrý 'Paleček', světle růžový 'Střízlíček', 'Ledňáček' s modro-růžovými květy a bíle kvetoucí 'Bílý Obláček'.
World's Largest Collection of autumn aster is concentrated in the Old Court Nurseries in the English county of Worcestershire, and includes varieties And. dumosus (www.autumnasters.co.uk)
Claims and culture
The plants are undemanding habitat, They grow in almost any soil. Unlike And. new-belgii very tolerant of drought. Due to the lower growth threatens lodging only sporadically and at higher varieties.
Autumn asters are photoperiodic sensitive, critical day length is 15 when 16 hours. Terms of flowering timing can influence the length of the day, in less than a day 15 hours occurs floral induction. The reaction time is about 8-9 weeks. In the case of And. dumosus scheduling is particularly interesting, Low variety is excellently suitable as potted plants and flowering can easily be timed to the required dates. For the purposes of scheduling for potted culture and to cut many varieties have been bred, which usually they are not consistent with varieties for outdoor Kuluri.
The plants are easy to care, during vegetation require no special interventions. At the station, according to the vigor of the variety planted 7 when 9 plants per m2.
Among the diseases is more complicated verticillium wilt and mildew, However, powdery mildew And. dumosus compared with And. new-belgii less prone. From the pests can cause more problems nematodes and Kris.
In horticultural practice used almost exclusively by vegetative propagation. Division and multiplication odtržky can almost all vegetation, Even in winter. Normally breed in the spring and autumn, Spring is preferable multiplication, preferably in April. In May-June peak can propagate cuttings.
Lower growth predisposes varieties of this group for use in plantations záhonových, especially in the foreground beds. Superior especially planted in larger groups, thanks kompaktímu growth pattern is also suitable for flange, works nicely against a dark background of trees. Spice plants shallowly therefore be used as potted plants, often they applied in plantations and in cemeteries. Taller varieties can be used to cut, for this purpose, however, are more suitable varieties And. new-belgii.
The article was published on the website of the Association Czech perenářů courtesy magazine Zahrádkář.