In previous articles we have been reinforced and well selected the three most frequently used types of fall aster – And. dumosus, And. new-belgii a And. New-England. From the autumn asters, however, we can also find other kinds, whose product range is narrower, but they are no less important horticultural practice. Most of them have smaller flowers, as well as the previous mentioned types, asters and these come from North America.
Aster cordifolius – aster srdcolistá
Richly branched perennial with woody stems, growing up in the countryside 180 cm. The lower leaves are heart-shaped oval, leaves at the top of the stem are smaller, oval or lancetovité. Numerous inflorescences are composed of small flowers with a diameter of about 13 mm s 10 when 15 jazykovitými flowers blue or purple, sometimes very bright. Yellow targets while fading away sometimes dyed purplish. It flowers from September to October. Best suits her soil rich in humus and full sun, and tolerates light shade.
Multiply by division or cuttings in May in April. It is generally easy to treat, Suitable However, frequent transplanting, po 3 flowering period starts slow and lag behind older tufts Moreover, thanks dřevnatějící based worse multiply. It is mainly used in perennial groups, It provides good grazing for bees.
Nejčastěji pěstuje levandulově modrá 'Ideal' (Nowadays it is not certain, whether it is an original variety, which came on the market a year ago 1915). Různé odstíny levandulově modré barvy mají také odrůdy 'Photograph' a 'Sweet Lavender', modřejší je Kloseho 'Novemberblau', světlejší je stříbřitě světle modrofilaová 'Silver Spray'.
Aster ericoides
shrub growing, 60 when 120 cm tall plants with thick stems and olistěnými narrowly lanceolate leaves. Numerous suits diameter 13-15 mm have 15-25 linguiform white florets, light blue or pink colors. It blooms from September until the onset of frost.
Comes from the drier areas, therefore bears in comparison with other types of fall asters more drought.
It reproduces only vegetatively. Thanks dřevnatějící based badly multiply, division is only effective in younger mother plants, comes into consideration in April and May. In horticultural practice is more common propagation of herbaceous cuttings in spring, until June. The term cuttings can hasten přirychlením. Nursery plants overwinter in bezmrazých areas and in January přirychlí, After sprouting are taken 4 when 5 cm long cuttings and long drinking directly into multiplet, wherein at 22 ° C for about roots 2-3 weeks. preferably, plants that can withstand more years at the same place and usually are not attacked by mildew.
The most commonly used as a perennial bed, recently appeared lower varieties, which stand out nicely in the foreground beds. Cut flowers are also highly prized, especially late flowering date, often used as an additive to lighten flower bouquets (reimbursement Gypsophila paniculala).
The wide range of varieties to name but a few major. white flowering – raná 'Schneetanne', pozdní 'Schneegitter', zakrslá 'Weisser Zwerg', yellow acting, jinak bíle kvetoucí 'Golden Spray'. Růžové 'Esther', nižší 'Rosy Veil'. Z modrofialových patří k nejlepším nízká 'Yvette Richardson' a světle levandulová 'Erlkoenig'.
Aster laevis – smooth aster
when 120 cm tall plants have long lancetovité or oval leaves, Pretty blue flowers are quite large, reach a diameter up to 2,5 cm and consists of large clustered inflorescence.
Multiply by dividing normally or spring herbaceous cuttings. It comes from the drier areas, therefore relatively well tolerated drought.
Nejznámější je německá Kloseho selekce'Blauschleier', with intense blue colored flowers, which is better than wild branched form. It grows to a height of around 100 cm.
Aster lateriflorus
Drobnokvětá aster with the masses 10-15 mm wide garb placed on twigs unilaterally. Tongue-florets are white to light purple, the target is initially yellowish, Later Vivid Magenta. The plants grow to a height 30 when 150 cm and in the spring when sprouting darker colored (to red, This feature some varieties are kept longer and some lose it).
Multiplication, claims and use are similar to And. ericoides.
Varieties are quite similar, They differ in particular height, tuft shape and richness of flowering. It was most recently var. horizontalis, selection with a long flowering period and height 60-70 cm, Of particular importance is the planting of natural character. Z novějších odrůd jsou dnes oblíbeny výrazně tmavolistá 'Lady in Black', dále například 'Jan', 'Prince' a 'Bleke Bet'.
Aster foetidissimum
Hardy species often identified And. ericoides, growing to a height 15-60 cm. But typically grow bushy, Leaves are lancetovité, white flowers, compared with And. ericoides less widespread, individually affixed at the ends of twigs.
K tomuto druhu se řadí hybridní odrůdy 'Monte Cassino' a 'Butterfly', grown indoors for cut flowers. Z klasických trvalek je významný novější růžově kvetoucí hybrid 'Ochtendgloren' a dost pravděpodobně také odrůda 'Pink Star' with larger flowers, newer, Today grown type (Attention, under this name in the past he was actually known variety drobnokvětá And. ericoides).
Aster vimineus
Perennial with thin, 60-150 cm tall stems. Numerous outfits are probably 5-7 mm wide, unilaterally racemose crowded, about 2 mm long, tongue-flowers are white to purple. It blooms from late August to September. Sometimes incorporates the And. lateriflorus or is mentioned only as a synonym And. fragilis.
It has similar demands and multiplication as And. ericoides. It is mainly used in mixed perennial rebate.
Běžně se pěstuje velice dekorativní bohatě kvetoucí odrůda 'Lovely' with lilac-pink flowers, compact, high around 70 cm.
The article was published on the website of the Association Czech perenářů courtesy magazine Zahrádkář.