We modified our old website, that it is up to date, clearer and more full of information available. Newly you can find Atlas growers of perennials, where you can easily and quickly find the local growers of perennials …

We modified our old website, that it is up to date, clearer and more full of information available. Newly you can find Atlas growers of perennials, where you can easily and quickly find the local growers of perennials …
In this application, you can find a domestic grower of perennials in your region on the map, according to their specialization in production or in the alphabetical list.
Atlas growers of perennials aims to promote …
Association of Czech perenářů picked for the year 2016 perennial season. It became a race Veronicastrum, česky rozrazilovec. More information can be found in the tab Perennial season or directly on site Perennials season.
Members of the Association of Professional, who participated in the summer of Internet voting, He was chosen as the genus Phlox Perennial season 2015. More directly to the perennial season.
The General Meeting will be held 13. November 2014. All members are cordially invited.
The announcement of the perennial season 2014 held at the seminar SZUZ (Pva Letňany Exhibition Center) 21. March 2014. for the year 2014 the perennial season became the genus Salvia (sage).
This year's General Meeting and election of the Czech Association perenářů held 12. 11. 2013.
Perennial season can be found on Facebook.
They are now posted sales outlets Perennials season 2013: Aster.
Come look at this year's exhibition FOR GARDEN, which will be held on 21. – 24. 3. 2013 the exhibition area in Letňany. The accompanying program will be announced Perennial …