An extensive North American genus Coreopsis – coreopsis, It includes more than 100 species of annuals and perennials, many of whom have found jobs in the gardens. From perennial species most commonly found varieties of coreopsis velkokvětého (C. grandiflora) with large yellow flowers, the plants grow to a height 60 when 80 cm. The emergence of certain varieties contributed probably more similar kind C. lanceolata, which is compared with the previous type of persistent.
Varieties differ in height, the size and fullness of the flower, Some are half-full to plnokvěté, others are around the central target more or less pronounced brown to purple circle ('Astolat','Helios', 'Rising Sun'). A significant benefit is a compact, semenem množitelná odrůda 'Early Sunrise' with nearly full yellow flowers (Only at the last station 2 when 3 years). Recently appeared also variegated varieties, například poměrně dobře rostoucí 'Bernwood' golden yellow flowers with darker circle.
An important representative of the family is also a bright yellow flowering coreopsis přeslenité (C. verticillata) with smaller flowers and narrow leaf lobes, uspořádanýžmi in whorls, high around 70 cm. Grown pure botanical species and its flowered selection, Also important are the low compact varieties – tmavě zlatožlutý 'Zagreb' a světlounce žlutý 'Moonbeam' (somewhat weaker grows worse and multiply).
in plantations, especially natural character, We can also meet very tough and undemanding, when 2 m high C. tripteris with small bright yellow flowers. Compared with other types of blooms later, until July to October.
Very interesting type is also the only 25-30 cm tall C. rosea, with tiny flowers delicately pink. Abroad, the longer time to market of new hybrid varieties for inclusion C. rosea (sometimes due to the similarity of the leaves C. verticillata). Their origins are not entirely clear, probably it is the hybrids with one- C. tinctoria, It is therefore correct to label Coreopsis-hybrids. We still belongs to News, which are difficult to come by. First appeared on the market seed be multiplied Coreopsis 'American Dreams' sweetly pink flowers. Until a few years then followed by other hybrids, atraktivní 'Sweet Dreams' s růžovými květy a tmavě nachovým kruhem kolem terče a tmavě hnědočervený 'Limerock Ruby'. All of these varieties are in our conditions only short-term, rather they thrive in warmer areas. It is always better before the winter is propagated and part of the plant stored in protected areas hotbed.
Coreopsis are generally inexpensive, Most species grow well in any garden soil. While some of them are short perennials, They may, in appropriate conditions, survive for several years without being shifted in the same place. They thrive best in full sun in the sandy loam soil well supplied with nutrients, can withstand a lot of drought.
Some species and varieties reproduce generative, others only vegetatively. Originally prevailed in the range of varieties propagated vegetatively, today's development is coming more to the generative. There are new compact, richly blooming hybrids with outstanding features, coherence of growth. Vynikající jsou například 'Early Sunrise', 'Helios', 'Rising Sun' – All of these were awarded medals Fleuroselectu.
Pure botanical species is easy to propagate by planting good seeds germinated. C. tripteris with a very fast and easy to vysemeňuje station, and in appropriate conditions can become weeds. We are sown from March to May, Seed is only weakly přisypávají substrate and maintained at about 20 ° C.
Vegetatively reproduce by dividing, or basal cuttings. With krátkověkosti in the case C. grandiflora the division used exclusively annual mother plant (even the gardens is recommended more frequent repotting). C. verticillata Besides cutting propagated by cuttings eyelet Subscribed spring from the base of the plant, as well as varieties C. rosea.
Most species krásnooček blooms in June-September. They are used both in mixed perennial flower beds, then larger groups, well kobinují with varieties zavinutek (Monarda), with vytrvalými blow (Phlox paniculata), They stand out nicely alongside the red taps (lychnis chalcedonica) or blue and purple sage (Salvia nemorosa). Lower varieties are applied in the foreground beds, some can also be used in containers. For this purpose are, for example low varieties C. verticillata or Coreopsis 'Early Sunrise'. higher varieties C. grandiflora a C. verticillata They are very well suited for cut, in weight last 10 when 14 days.
The article was published on the website of the Association Czech perenářů courtesy magazine Zahrádkář.