- APPELTERN – SAMPLE GARDENS IN THE NETHERLANDS – www.appeltern.nl - visit 190 The individually designed gardens in one place, day trips to Holland, a number of gardens in different ways uses magic perennials (Dutch, manual in English and German)
- BENARY – www.benary.com - German company engaged in the breeding and sale of seeds of perennials (German, English)
- A database of plants – PLANT DATABASE – United States Department of Agriculture, search by many key characters and themes, 30.000 American species of plant species, including photographs, distribution maps, etc.. (English)
- NCCPG – National Council for the Conservation of Plants and Gardens - The National Council for the maintenance of plants and gardens (Great Britain) - Among other outstanding plant collections including search all contacts (English)
- KARL FOERSTER – foerster-stauden.de - Significant perenář and breeder Karl Foerster (1874-1970), biography, Garden and still functioning perennial nursery and horticulture 7 he has (German)
- JELITTO – www.jelitto.com – German company engaged in the breeding and sale of seeds of perennials (German, English)
- PIET OUDOLF – www.oudolf.com - Contemporary, yet timeless, forming a landscape architect, originally using perennials, opportunity to visit the gardens and nurseries (Dutch, part English and German)
- PRAIRIE NURSERY – www.prairienursery.com (USA) - Wild and native plants on the US prairies, Sawan, moist areas and forests, natural way to build plant communities, seed mixtures, "Prairie school", species gallery, and. (English)
- ROYAL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY (RHS) – www.rhs.org.uk - English royal horticultural society, we,b where you can spend a few weeks and just read all miss - we recommend!, search, research, action, exhibitions,…..(English)
- Perennials - New species and varieties - New Plant Page (NPP) - Page mapping some new or rare plant species, including perennials, database (English)
- perennial – perennials Stade - Commercial website - online-shop 3200 species of perennials, perennials larger database with photographs and descriptions (German)
- WWW.STAUDEN.DE - Federation of German Staudengärtnerei - Association of German perennial gardening, sortimenty, Search perennial Companies, News and. (German)
- FLEMISH TRVALKÁŘSKÁ COMPANY – Flemish Perennial Plant Association - Lavandula, Paeonia, new varieties of Phlox, Anemone, and Veronicastrum. (Dutch, English)
- Association for perennials breeding and range development E.V. - Portal of the German perenářského world
- Staudensichtung - Page presenting the results of the monitoring range of perennials in Germany, Austria and Switzerland
- Waistband German perennial plant - The site of the Association of German perenářů
- Society of Staudenfreunde - The Association of Friends of perennials with many other interesting links
- Perennemix - Perennial mix
- Heritage perennials – magazine from the world Peren
- Epic plants
- Perry´s perennial page
- Perennial Plant Association
- Terra Nova
- Thompson and Morgan
- Plant Delights
- Paul Christian
- Cotswold Garden Flowers
- Crug Farm Plants
- Blooms of Bressingham
- Paeony nursery
- Primrose Path
- Geraniaceae
- Epimediums
- Prairieflowers
- Sunshine Farm
- Plants Magazine
- nurseries
