- BOTANICKÝ HERBÁŘ - photos, descriptions of native plants, healing effects
- BOTANY.CZ - Domestic botanical species of plants and perennials - propagation of Botany and Nature Protection, excellent photographs!, including indigenous habitats occurrence in the Czech Republic! (česky, English)
- DATABASE alpine plants – Plant database online, can be obtained on CD ROM
- Plant Encyclopedia - Search all plant species, photo, Only the garden perennials Cough, Pulmonaria, ferns, tuberous and cibulnaté, Search plant communities
- WWW.GARTEN.CZ - articles, Discussion Forum, posts, photo gallery, etc..
- WWW.KVĚTENAČR.CZ - Domestic flora offers a variety of handsome home Peren (česky)
- PERENNICULUM - Portal of perennials, photo, descriptions, demands perennials, Search perennials by flower color, heights, Claims on habitat and other criteria (česky)
- perennial SEASON - Information on individual years Perennials season elected the Association of Czech perenářů
