At the end of June 2017 Adam held Baroš and Jan Nussbauer perenářský visit to Germany, namely to Munich. In short a two-day tour with overnight stay in Freising fit Visit demonstration gardens in Weihenstephan, where he kindly donated the gardens leading professor Bernd Hertle. He showed us a large area of gardens, where they are trying different approaches to perennial planting, particularly interesting was the establishment of perennial meadows, We saw that in the process. Furthermore, we are in Weihentephanu visited some experimental areas as production garden on the roof of one building local colleges and productive garden.
We could also not visit the botanical garden in Munich, where we spent the whole afternoon and everyone there came to his – under grid perennials in the forest parts, huge rocky outcrop full of different alpine plants followed the wetland portion around water areas. There was space for bee meadows and modern mixed prairie plantings.
Finally, we also stopped at the Olympic Park Summer Olympic Games in Munich, 1972.
- Professor Bernd Hertle with great referring Jan Nussbauerem.
- Listening intently group perenářů.
- Foreword by Professor Hertleho intently listening tour participants.
- Jakub Krulich
- Hajní lot of experimental gardens Weihenstephan.
- Establishment of perennial grassland in experimental gardens in Weihenstephan.
- Mixed planting in experimental gardens Weihenstephan.
- Mixed planting in experimental gardens Weihenstephan.
- Group tour participants.
- Traditional perennial letničkový bed in experimental gardens Weihenstephan.
- Perennial shrubs supplemented bed in experimental gardens Weihenstephan.
- Experimental roof in the area of college in Weihenstephan.
- On the roof of the complex experimental college in Weihenstephan.
- Production experimental gardens in Weihenstephan and Eva Vyhnačková.
- Production experimental gardens in Weihenstephan and John Pyšková.
- Production experimental gardens in Weihenstephan.
- Dagmar Matyášová and dense Geranium 'Rozanne’ in Munich botanical garden.
- Renata Pešičková and mullein in Munich botanical garden.
- Group planting Ginkgo biloba in the Olympic Park in Munich.
- Surface planting sage in the Olympic Park in Munich.
- Participants exit in the Olympic Park in Munich.
- Participants exit in the Olympic Park in Munich.