Czech perenářů association invites you to the traditional perennial seminar. Jubilee 10. Seminar will focus on non-traditional methods in the development and maintenance of perennial plantings.
The seminar will be held 8. March 2018 (Thursday), Registration of participants begins in 8:15 in the Great Hall of the information and educational center Floret
Pruhonice (
The planned program:
08:15 – 09:00 - Registration of participants
09:00 – 09:10 - introduction
09:10 – 12:15 – Till Hofmann a Fine Molz* – blok 2 lectures on the maintenance and development of flower beds
12:30 – 13:30 – lunch
13:30 – 17:00 - afternoon session 3 lectures
- Jitka Klimešová (Institute of Botany ASCR) Clonality plants - a view botany
- Jan Jedlicka (Every Garden) Composed perennial plantings (not only) public greenery
– Petr Hanzelka (Botanical Garden Troy) Sustainable planting and promising range xerophilous plants.
from 18:00 - Informal meeting in a restaurant
* Ed.: lectures will be in German and will be translated into Czech
Price : full fee: 1350,-CZK
members of the SSN, students, parents RD: 1100,- CZK
Included in the course is attendance at lectures, lunch, refreshment, printed proceedings.
Please note, the number of participants is limited to room capacity approx 150 people, so please do not delay signing. Pre-authenticated candidates can not be guaranteed vacancies.
registration handled: Ing. Jan Jedlicka at:
Payment: č.ú.: 214214207/0300
CSOB Grape 63/1, 370 01 Czech Budejovice
variable symbol: 20180308
WERE GOING: CZ54 0300 0000 0002 1421 4207
Detailed information on the seminar can be found in the attached Annex.