After a break break and great online webinars, you can look forward to a traditional perennial seminar live in Průhonice this year.. This year's theme is Perspective Assortments of Perennials and there is something to look forward to. Organization of the seminar, after years, when Adam Baroš set the bar high, Renata Pešičková took over perfectly, for which she deserves thanks.
The seminar will take place this year in early summer June 20 2022 (Monday), Registration of participants begins in 8:15 in the large hall of the Floret information and education center in Průhonice (
Traditionally, one foreign lecturer will speak – this year it will be Christian H. Kress, which talks about new trends in perennials and breeding, as well as the use of perennials in the context of climate change.
Christian H. Kress
He grew up in southern Black Forest in Germany near Basel. After years of learning and traveling around The Netherlands, He set up his own company in Austria and Germany. Internationally became famous for his books and lectures, but also many new cultivars perennial. Christian travels to many countries and studies perennials in their natural state environment, to draw conclusions about garden culture. He is the owner Sarastro-Perennials, famous perennial nurseries, which offers a wide range for garden lovers and plant users.
Among the Czech lecturers, Ing. Petr Molek with a lecture on seed production, Ing. Eduard Chvosta with an assortment from semi-desert areas and RNDr. Pavel Sekerka with an assortment of peonies and Ing. Zuzana Caspers with an assortment of Irises.
Ing.Petr Molek
Graduate of the Faculty of Horticulture in Lednice in Moravia, from within 2001 is dedicated to growing perennials, mainly seed production for the company Jelitto. He has been a member of the Czech Perennial Association since its inception.
Ing. Eduard Chvosta
Which entitles me to talk about perennials? Above all, admiration for such a diverse group of plants adapted to such diverse conditions. Admiration has led to many journeys to the homeland of perennials with a preference for xerothermic semi-desert habitats, such as the western United States, China, Mediterranean regions of the world. The acquired knowledge was allowed to me after 20 years to apply in practice in the expositions of the Botanical Garden in Prague Troja, Prague Zoo and in recent years in the School Botanical Garden in Prague Malešice.
RNDr.Pavel Sekerka
From In the 1990s he worked in the Botanical Garden of the Capital City of Prague. Prague, where he had outside others in charge of an assortment of peonies and forest plants. For a year 2010 head Průhonice Botanical Gardens, Institute of Botany AS CR in Průhonice. President of the Union of Botanical Gardens of the Czech Republic.
Ing. Zuzana Caspers
He works at the Department of Gene Fund Collections of the Botanical Institute of the Academy of Sciences and focuses on the collections of the Iris and Hemerocallis. She is a member of the research team working on Ex situ methodology of conservation of local populations of endangered plant species in changing climatic conditions..
Price : full fee: 1800,-CZK
members of the SSN, students, parents RD: 1300,- CZK
Included in the course is attendance at lectures, lunch, refreshment, printed proceedings, Admission to the gardens Dendrological.
Please note, the number of participants is limited to room capacity approx 150 people, so please do not delay signing. Pre-authenticated candidates can not be guaranteed vacancies.
registration handled: Ing. Jan Jedlicka at:
Payment: č.ú.: 214214207/0300
CSOB Grape 63/1, 370 01 Czech Budejovice
variable symbol: Your ID or ID number, which please state in the registration e-mail.
WERE GOING: CZ54 0300 0000 0002 1421 4207
Detailed information on the seminar can be found in the attached Annex.

Good day,
I log in 3 people at the seminar.
Thank you, we are looking forward to Ladislav Nevlida
ArboGard s.r.o.