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Veronica prostrata 'Blauspiegel'
Veronica prostrata 'Blauspiegel'
Veronica prostrata 'Blauspiegel'
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Veronica prostrata 'Blauspiegel'
Veronica prostrata 'Blauspiegel'





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14. Permanent seminar on the topic: Beauty rooted in perennials

For this year's traditional perennial seminar, we have chosen a purely aesthetic theme, because perennials have many functions, but we should certainly not forget one of the most important, and that is precisely their beauty. So the topic is: Beauty rooted in perennials!

We look at the changes in the range and demand of perennials over the last two decades with the renowned German nurseryman Beate Zillmer. Lithuanian gardener Auksė Dobilienė also accepted the invitation, which will share the experience of choosing plants for a long-lasting effect. You can also look forward to the view of florist Hanka Kindelmannová Šebestová on perennials and you will definitely find out, how to start a bed of perennials for cutting. Landscape architect Vlasta Hábová allows us to take a look, how to form perennial beds, to make them beautiful and above all functional. Stanislav Schwarz and Jan Makovička will share their practical experience from design to planting on one specific perennial planting.

Be sure not to miss the packed program and great atmosphere, which is never missing at the perennial seminar.

To SUBSCRIBE, email to and enter your name, number of people and billing information. We will send you an e-mail with the invoice and payment details within a few days.

Beate Zillmer together with her husband, she runs the Zillmer Nursery focused on the propagation of young plants of perennial ornamental grasses in northern Germany. “Nothing is as constant as change.” (Heraclitus of Ephesus, 535-475 BC) “This certainly applies to the names of perennials! To give an example: for 40 years of my professional activity I have seen, how toChrysanthemum becameDendranthema aScaly and later back againChrysanthemum.“

Constant change or constancy? Oba! And even more, because in the perennial world you will find everything: superheroes in assortment, reliable varieties, newcomers and cultivars with great life. I will be happy to share my experience with you!

Auksė Dobilienė comes from Lithuania, Where he lives in a small village near Vilnius on the land of his grandparents. Before 4 Flights founded a perennial kindergarten. Plants choose with care and emphasize the three main principles: long -lasting effect (decoration), perseverance of perennials and unpretentiousness to growth conditions.

Although he does not have a gardening education, Gardening is her greatest passion for nearly two decades: “Working with soil and plants gives me strength, energy and endless feeling of happiness. ”

Writes Garden Stories Web, where does he share experience from his garden and kindergarten complemented by a rich collection of photographs. Garden photography has become a daily meditation and relaxation.

Stanislav black He graduated from the Faculty of Horticulture at Mendel University. 15 Flight leads a gardening company based in Brno.

He characterizes his career in words: “The first K9 was handed to me by Jirka Martínek, When we founded Silbersommer in the fridge and the first tree I planted with Vojta Halámek. I admire Eva Wágnerová and Ferdinand Leffler's marketing. I founded a group of garden architecture on Facebook, where many of you procrastinate. I consider myself a garden architect rather than a gardener, But more time I am during those 15 He spent the flight of work with a spade than with a cada "

Hana Kindelmannová Šebestová is a florist and a gardener originating from Pošumavi. Though her two parents were the dispatcher of the Czech Railways and lived together at the station, She always wanted to be a gardening. After several years of studies at various horticultural schools, it has fulfilled it. Business in the field has already begun in the year 1995. The main content is, of course, arranging flowers, As the wedding floristics, So the decoration of interiors etc.. In recent years, both professions have begun to blend more and more and more flowers for floristic processing itself.

Her professional life fulfills the organization of workshops, demonstration, publishing in the press, cooperation with schools, jury membership, Participation in Czech and international competitions. Is a four -time Czech champion in floristics.

While walking with their dogs, it collects different material in nature, which also uses abundantly in its work. Will share with you the experience of growing, harvest, By preparing and arranging perennials.

Jan Makovička he says about himself: “As a boy I wanted to be an archaeologist, the protector of nature and gardener. Now I work as a landscape architect and I mean, that my childhood dreams come true. I founded a garden and landscape studio for poppy and most of my work takes place in the countryside, In the open landscape or in places with an interesting atmosphere.”

For a year 2021 is devoted to renewal and development Kraffer's garden in Jindřichův Hradec.

Vlasta HábováAfter graduation at Mendel University in Brno with 5 The flight was engaged in designing school gardens and was involved in international projects focused on therapeutic and natural gardens. For the next years 5 Flight anchored in the creative environment of the Partero studio.

In addition to designing gardens, it cooperates with the town of Jeseník as a professional guarantor of the city greenery and was part of a team of collaborators of the National Cultural Monument Vyšehrad.

Forms for the joy of slowly growing gardens, emerging under the hands of people, who live in them.

The whole seminar program will be guided by Tereza Antošová and Jan Nussbauer. At the end of the seminar it will introduce the activity of the Czech Perenarů association, who has been involved in the German flower beds of Staudensichtung and currently evaluates the assortments of sage in the Botanical Garden in Troja and the range of yarrows in the Dendrological Garden in Průhonice.

10 the answer to "14. Permanent seminar on the topic: Beauty rooted in perennials”

  1. Anna Schwarzová says:

    Good day,
    I can ask for a reservation at least 3 positions for horticulture teachers. We would confirm and supplement participation and administration later.

    Anna Schwarzová
    ( Head of the subject committee for Horticulture)
    Tel: 776 085 750

    • Tereza Vlasáková says:

      Good day,
      thank you for your interest, we will definitely reserve a place. Please contact the administration directly via the Association's email:
      Thank you,
      for the Czech Association of Pillowmakers, Tereza

  2. Beautiful good day,
    I would like to apply for a seminar for the Czech Horticultural Academy in Mělník. Please review our membership, if it wasn't, I would like to register the school in the association.
    Thank you and I look forward to working with you.
    Klára Franc Vavříková
    at that time the deputy director of the ČZA

    • Tereza Vlasáková says:

      Good day,

      thank you for your interest, I sent a question to my colleague Petr Molek, which deals with membership, and I put you in a copy of the e-mail. He will work out all the details with you.

      Thank you,
      for the Czech Association of Pillowmakers, Tereza

  3. Good day, we would like to register for the seminar with my colleague Míša Ďuranová, is it possible please?

    Thank you. Sincerely, Klára Čížková, The art of gardens

    • Tereza Vlasáková says:

      Good day, please email to sign up and enter your name, number of people and billing information.
      We will send you an e-mail with the invoice and payment details within a few days.
      Thank you very much for your interest,
      for the Czech Association of Pillowmakers, Tereza

  4. Janka says:

    Hello, The seminar looks amazing, But I can't participate in person. You are not considering online form or the possibility of buying a record from a seminar?
    Thank you

    • Tereza Vlasáková says:

      Good day, Janko, Thank you for your interest and we apologize, But unfortunately we're not going to record or on-line stream. Thank you for your understanding, for the Czech Association of Pillowmakers, Tereza

  5. Karel M. says:

    Good day, There is still a possibility to sign in to the seminar or the capacity is already filled? It would be about 1 a person.

    Thank you very much for your answer.


    • Tereza Vlasáková says:

      Good day,

      Capacity is still, Please write an e-mail to and enter your name, number of people and billing information.
      We will send you an e-mail with invoice and payment information.
      Thank you very much for your interest,
      for the Czech Association of Pillowmakers, Tereza

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