UPDATES. Due to the global situation around the new coronavirus, this year's Summer Days are postponed to next year 2021. A specific date has also been confirmed: 8. – 12. August 2021.
Czech Association perenářů became guarantor and partner organizations for this year's Summer Days.
It is a regular meeting colleagues, People rave perennials. It takes place every two years and three years ago was chosen as the venue for Czech Republic.
Since the beginning of the main guarantor for this action ing. Petr Hanzelka. The event is jointly sponsored by our Society of Botanical Garden hl.m. Prague is a co-organizer.
The program Summer days are regularly included visits to botanical gardens, collection of gardens, perennial nurseries, For example, they offer interesting collections, breeding, less usual assortment, access.
Forward breeders sent to the designated place their newly bred, where they are monitored after and during the Summer days and then evaluated by committees selected the best of them.
Summer days for the breeding of new varieties this year met in the Botanical Gardens in Troja, which takes care of them just Petr Hanzelka.
Two years ago, members of the ISU visited Poland. In two years there will be Summer days in Holland.
More about the event can be read at > (opens on a new tab)”> ISU website >>.