Who wants to see penstemons (Penstemon spp.) in nature, must for these plants to go to North America. This genus is amongst quite typical representative of North American flora and can be found from Mexico to northern USA. It is a very comprehensive and taxonomically not very thought- rod high and low perennial herbs and semishrub, amounting to 270 species. Skalničkářsky interesting species can be found mainly in US Midwest. Penstemons prefer sunny and drier habitats and very well drained and permeable soil. Drought usually tolerated very well, However, the extreme summer drought them absolutely no evidence. They are very sensitive to excess winter moisture, which can often lead to rot plants. Delicate species from drier areas of the southern United States and Mexico is better to grow it in a greenhouse alpínkovém. Some penstemons may very well be applied as higher in mixed herbs and perennial flower beds or letničkových combination with ornamental grasses, however, goes mainly horticultural varieties, known horticultural names P. × gloxinioides or Penstemon hartwegii-hybrids. These hybrids grow, however, usually 50-80 cm or even more. Rockery therefore not fit and is not usually not a reliable zimovzdorné plants.
- Penstemon hirsutus 'Albiflorus'
- Penstemon hirsutus
- Penstemon hirsutus flower detail
Skalničkářky interesting to include in particular the relatively reliably zimovzdorné species like P. strictus with a height of around 50 cm flower stems and bright blue flowers. Blooms in June. It tolerates drought very well and he is on a suitable habitat can be sown. P. digitalis grow to similar heights. The flowers are pale violet leaves and sometimes have a reddish tint. It's a fairly reliable zimovzdorný kind, nakvétá usually in the first half of summer. Penstemon pinifolius It is particularly attractive because of its habit and small keříčkovitému, acicular leaves. It is an evergreen species, grateful for the very light winter cover protects plants against sunburn rather than drought and frost. It blooms in July and August červenooranžovými flowers. Občas je v nabídce žlutokvětá odrůda 'Mersea Yellow'. Zajímavá je i u nás ještě nerozšířená novinka 'Shades of Mango' with two-color like yellow-orange flowers. Very low species is P. hirsutus 'Pygmaeus'. It grows only 15 cm and with flowers. Nakvétá two-color, mauve white flowers in early summer. Very attractive low species is also Penstemon caespitosus It is home to more communities in the steppe drier. It grows around 10 cm and in June-July nakvétá turquoise květy.Vyžaduje very good drainage. Penstemon confertus grows 20-30 cm. The flowers are arranged in racemose, pale yellow and appear in early summer. P. davidsonii it is an evergreen, Rather polokeřovitý kind of dřevnatějící base. Plant height is around 15-20 cm. The flowers are pale violet to purple and appear in May. Prefers drier habitats. The relatively uncontroversial species include P. fruticosus. It grows on the mountain slopes of the western US. Leaves are dark green, shiny. It blooms in early summer lilac-blue, pink and white or pure white flowers. plant height 20-40 cm. On dryland habitats and sunny winter without problems.
- Penstemon serrulatus
- Penstemon 'Husker Red'
- Penstemon diphyllus
P. guinea pig They are among the most attractive species, and played a big role in the breeding range of garden hybrids. Plants are 30-50 cm high, forming ascending stems with dark green, glossy leaves. The flowers are large, funnel, white to dark pink with dark, purple veins. It's a bit delicate and nezimuje always completely reliable. It requires good drainage. P. procerus is home to more steppe communities and lawn NW and SW US to Canada. Prefers a sunny position and moderately moist soil. lower, 15-30 cm tall. Nakvétá mostly bright blue flowers, but i found a yellow, or. white form. They form a looser clumps and quite well it grows in the ground.
P. ambiguus It grows in the steppe to semi-desert areas of the American Midwest. Rather, it is a subshrub with a very gentle and airy habit. Whitish blooms pink flowers and grows 30-50 cm. It requires full sun, drier habitats and good drainage, but even so, it is not always completely reliable zimovzdorný and greater certainty in greenhouse alpínkovém.
Penstemons propagated by planting seeds in the winter or in early spring. good use, at least some types, is a cuttings polovyzrálými shoots after flowering or in summer or. and the end of vegetation. Separation of clusters is relatively complicated and not very successful.
The article was published on the website of the Association Czech perenářů courtesy magazine Zahrádkář.