Native North American plants are grown in culture many (hawking. plamenky - phlox, aster - Aster, or Turany - Erigeron), but there is still much to discover and expand the range. many growers, horticulturists and gardeners are focused on saving species, suitable for eg. in more or less dry conditions with a minimum of additional irrigation. A number of such species can be found in the North American prairies or steppe and many of them can be without any problems even grow in culture. As an example, news can mark. these genera and species of perennials: Ratibor, Vernonia, Solidago (some), Coreopsis (some).
With family Ratibor is cultivated e.g.. Ratibida pinnata - Native to the prairies of central North America. herb high 100-150 cm with bright yellow flowers. Grows well on slightly damp, aluminum or sites in full sun. Very well tolerates drier soils. When drainage is adequate to reliably zimovzdorná. Similar conditions also requires related Ratibida columnifera (syn. R. columnaris). It is widespread in central and southern parts of the US, such abundant. Texas. It's less herb, coming 50-80 cm. Very showy inflorescence is elongated with a bright yellow center and, or. bronze-red flowers jazykovitými. Even this kind of very well tolerates drought.
- Ratibida pinnata
- Ratibida columnifera 'Red Midget'
Vernonia is rarely seen gardens, which is a shame, because it is unusually attractive and vigorous herb, very suitable as a dominant feature into larger premises or higher before předsadbu trees. Very well tolerated drought. Multiply the sowing division in spring (Velna seed to multiply quickly and in optimal conditions threaten naturalizing, it is better after flowering the inflorescence sestřihnout). V. gigantea grows up despite 2 m, nakvétá summer dark purple flowers in large clusters, unusually attractive species. V. novaboracensis is a bit lower and inflorescences is lighter.
Solidago (Goldenrod) probably does not need many featuring, There are many cultivars and are relatively common in gardens. However, here one can find interesting botanical species, which could extend the range. Their use is however necessary to take into account very easy multiplication and risk naturalizing, Again, that after flowering the inflorescence be sestřihnout (viz. known S. canadensis as an invasive plant in the Czech Republic). From the horticultural interesting species include eg.
S. rigid, about 100 cm vigorous species with celokrajnými, oval and silvery gray leaves and bright yellow inflorescences, very well tolerates drought, blooms in late summer. S. cutleri It is a kind of low, barely 50 cm high, blooms in summer. Solidago sempervirens Again vzrůstným species, Plant height is up 150-170 cm, its peculiarity is that, it blooms relatively late, often until late September and October. Very attractive species is also Solidago speciosa, Blooming late summer.
Coreopsis (coreopsis) They belong to the species cultivated very often. From species such as C. grandiflora, C. verticilata, C. rosea, C. lanceolata There are dozens of varieties, včetně červenokvětých novinek jako 'Limerock Ruby' či 'Sweet Dreams'. Even here, however, I find interesting botanical species with the prospect of horticultural use. Lovers vigorous plants are certainly interesting example. Coreopsis tripteris, nearly two meters tall herb with palmate leaves and articulated very gentle and airy habit. It blooms in late summer yellow flowers, very well it tolerates drought and extremely easy to reproduce seeds, and there is therefore valid warnings mentioned already at birth Vernonia a Solidago - The risk of naturalizing. Conversely, compact stature and dark green leaves is characterized Coreopsis palmata. The height is similar to the second C. verticilata, resp. slightly higher few, but it has broader leaves, very dark green and bright yellow flowers. Nakvétá also in the second half of the summer and there is a risk of spontaneous spreading. Even this kind of very well tolerated in dry habitats and full sun.
The article was published on the website of the Association Czech perenářů courtesy magazine Zahrádkář.