when in bloom, dominated by perennial beds of September and so, that nobody can overlook.
They are almost ideal for those plants, Who cultivating plants do not have much experience - beautiful, yet unpretentious, seamlessly grow in almost any garden soil. Giant flowers of striking colors adorn the beds from late May to June and even after flowering will not disappoint us. Following a spate of colorful flowers followed by well-known and popular decorative capsules – poppyhead. A co with them, if we had to patch dislikes? We dry it in winter use for arranging, or need to make an original Christmas ornaments. So if your home is sunny and dry place, where other plants fail, try the "Turkish" Poppies.
- Papaver orientale 'Petticoat'
- Papaver orientale 'Pizzicato'
- Papaver orientale 'Brillant'
Description of species
The emergence of today's varieties are involved mainly two kinds.
Papaver orientale, Papaver orientale, from Turkey and the Orient and was discovered in 1701. Thanks to its attractive appearance soon found its way into European gardens. He appeared first in France, where he later came to England via Holland. The whole plant is densely hairy, stems bear one bloom crimson color with a dark spot at the base Petal. The flowers are indigenous čtyřčetné, about 8-10 cm high. With today's varieties is the number of slices is usually higher and the diameter of the flowers often reaching more than 15 cm. Plants have a strong tendency to expand underground root projections and quickly, sometimes unpleasantly, are spreading.
The creation of many cultivars also participated Papaver bracteatum, originating from the Caucasus and Iraq. It is very similar to the previous species, six-plátečními flowers dark red, for flowers but find significant, sometimes several centimeters long bracts – brakteje. It reaches a height of about 1 meter and compared with the previous type blooming somewhat sooner and has a weaker tendency to expand underground projections (plant forms clumps rather). According to the tendency to form underground protuberances can be concluded, which of the original species variety is closer.
The beginnings of breeding goes back to the 20. century, kdy anglický zahradník Amos Perry objevil mezi červenými semenáčky rostlinu s růžovými květy a pojmenoval ji 'Mrs. Perry'. A few years later came the first selection with white flowers, která dostala jméno 'Perry´s White'. Although today both named varieties can be considered centenary grandmother, They still look beautiful and with a bit of luck with them even in the gardens meet.
An important role in breeding in the second half of the century, played by German breeders, First Karl Foerster and lately gardening Zeppelin. From their workshop comes in many varieties used today.
Maku thrive in almost any garden soil, except dense and too wet. Ideally thrive in drier habitats in full sun. Somewhat less useful are regularly watered and fertilized flower beds, Plant them while abundant blooms, grow too exuberant and often is vulnerable. In our conditions are reliably zimovzdorné, withstand temperatures of up to -30 ° C. The advantage is also considerable resistance to pests and diseases. Densely hairy rough leaves to avoid aphid, even snails and slugs. Although the flowers are very attractive, but to cut fit – in weight will not last long. After the trauma of cutting surfaces flowing white, slightly sticky latex.
Because the poppies after flowering retract, it is necessary to cover the surfaces freed. When planting why we choose a lower number of plants in the group, maximally 5 when 7. On the beds is a perfect combination of perennials, that bloom later and fill the vacated areas, such as geranium (Geranium), goldenrod (Solidago), or autumn asters - Aster (Aster).
After flowering, it is advisable to cut finials, to plant unnecessarily nevysilovala. We will also prevent unwanted sowing. Thanks to the spherical root plants tolerate transplanting worse. If we need to move, the best is the end of summer, when plants go through periods of dormancy – on the surface after they left virtually no trace. In August it is advisable to omit, or at least greatly reduce watering. Harshly, on the outskirts strongly divided leaves appear in late summer and fall, Plants often persist into the winter form of rosettes of young leaves.
To preserve all the properties and ensure varietal identity comes into consideration only the vegetative propagation.
Poppies very good growth even small fragments of roots, therefore horticultural practice used almost exclusively reproduce by root cuttings from late summer to early winter. When choosing the parent plants from the soil, we pay attention to marking the top and bottom sides of any ulomených roots. Decisive is the correct polarity cuttings – the roots of the route must head up. The multiplication are ideal roots with a thickness of around 0,5 cm, length cuttings should range from 3 do 4 cm. Do substrate is be sticking upright or slightly obliquely, Finally, sprinkle about a centimeter layer. It is suitable ordinary garden soil with sand admixture. Once the cuttings take root and form rosettes, immediately hrnkujeme – at a later stage worse tolerate transplanting. Handling should be as careful, the roots are very fragile.
In the smaller can also be used separation plant, which, as well as a plant transplanting, It comes into play only during the vegetative rest, Thus, from mid-summer to early fall. Young plants from the pots can be planted too early in spring, before beginning intensive growth. Roots go very deep, it is difficult to plant the beds completely removed. If not removed from the soil thoroughly every piece of root, in the next year or later, the rest of the image of new plants.
Reproduction seed is less common, It is mainly used in breeding practice in obtaining new cultivars. Gradually, however, also penetrate the market of seed varieties, například barevná směs 'Pizzicato', in which we find flowers of all colors and shades, stained and without. Because the seeds need light for germination, We are sown on the surface of the transmissive substrate, and a humid. Germinate very quickly, first seedlings appear as early as the second week after sowing. Plantlets as soon as the needle pierces. If you would like to experiment, Collect the seeds of poppies different colors, is sown and be surprised. Certainly will not disappoint.
The article was published on the website of the Association Czech perenářů courtesy magazine Zahrádkář.